
Ruby Gemstones   and   Emerald gemstones   both have been serving the needs of human beings for centuries. The exotic-appearing gemstones have been a source of attraction for ages. People of all ages since its availability have admired wearing rubies and emeralds in the form of various jewellery items. Both auspicious gemstones have gifts from the earth. It is conceived that both emerald and  ruby gemstone  have equal value and characteristics nonetheless, these stones possess certain properties that make them stand apart from each other. Ruby: The Gem of Passion and Power 1. Color and Appearance: Rubies are renowned for their intense red hues, symbolizing love, passion, and vitality. The color is a result of the presence of chromium in the corundum mineral. The finest rubies showcase a vibrant, pigeon-blood red color, highly coveted in the gemstone market. 2. Durability and Hardness: Ruby is one of the hardest gemstones, second only to diamonds on the Mohs scale of hardness. This exce

Benefits of Wearing Yellow sapphire and Ruby together

Just like the yellow sapphire, a  ruby gemstone  is also derived from corundum (aluminum oxide). The difference being that there is chromium in the ruby, giving it the distinctive red color. The trivalent chromium replaces the aluminum in the crystal structure to give us the ruby.  The red ruby is generally resistant to acids and has a score of 9 on the Moh’s scale of hardness. An authentic red ruby would look bright red when seen under light. A pale colored ruby might not be completely authentic. Depending on the number and quantity of trace minerals found in a  ruby stone , each sample would have different clarity. The interesting thing about chromium is that it inhibits the growth of the crystal after a certain level. Apart from the physical beauty it has, a red ruby also brings several benefits to the wearer. It improves blood circulation and regulates blood pressure. For women, it helps in regularizing the menstrual cycle. The ruby is contain and emit all the energy and strength o

An expert Guidance to Ruby gemstone

  Ruby is a precious gemstone that is truly appealing to people from all over the world. It is a gemstone that exudes unmatched beauty and luxury. An Expert Guidance To Ruby Gemstones – Also known as Manik, the Ruby gemstone is believed to bring good health, love, and wisdom, Ruby is the  birthstone for July  born people. This gem has the powers of the Sun, which is the source of vital energy. The Sun represents confidence, life, energy, passion, and happiness. Ruby stone  is believed to embody these mystical powers of the Sun and transfer them to the wearer. Formed naturally with minerals like Aluminum, chromium, oxygen, and iron, this gem has beautiful crimson hues that demand great value in the world of gemstones

Similarities And Differences: Ruby And Sapphire Gemstones

  Rubies and sapphires, both are extremely expensive gemstones. On the front of hardness or rigidness, both rubies and sapphires are on the same page. The hardness of ruby stone is 9.0 on the Mohs scale (a standard tool which is used to measure the hardness of the gemstones); similarly, the sapphire also possesses the same hardness on Mohs scale 9.0.

How To Wear Ruby Studded Jewelry – Rings, Pendants?

  The red color ruby stone also possesses metaphysical properties due to its affiliation with the planet Sun. Moreover, nowadays, it is quite in trend and according to a study after diamond, it is the most expensive and popular stone. Now, coming back to the types of ruby gemstone jewelry items for men. Let’s head start with the ruby gemstone wedding band. A Man’s Guide To Wearing Ruby Studded Jewelry Items.

Step By Step Procedure To Polish Ruby Gemstone

  Ruby stone has been used for centuries for its ability to bring love, health, self-esteem, happiness, and wisdom to the wearer. However, to gain all these benefits in your life, you must take the utmost care of your ruby stone. This stone or Manik Ratna is placed on the list of precious stones along with sapphires, emerald, and diamond. It belongs to the mineral family corundum.

Points to Compare Between Ruby and Diamond

  There are many things to compare between ruby and diamond because they are two extremely different types of materials. To name a few: Corundum, a type of mineral made of aluminium oxide, is what ruby is made of. On the other hand, diamond is a totally pure form of carbon. Rubies often have a red colour, whereas diamonds typically have a clear or white colour. However, depending on the existence of trace elements, diamonds can also appear in various colours like yellow, pink, blue, and green. Hardness: Diamond, which rates a 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, is the hardest naturally occurring substance. One of the hardest gemstones is ruby, which has a hardness of 9 on the same scale. Value: Although it might vary depending on size, colour, clarity, and cut, diamonds are often more expensive than rubies. Diamonds are typically employed in jewellery because of their value as durable, brilliant gemstones. Rubies are employed in lasers as well as jewellery because the corundum's chr