Mystical Powers Of The Ruby Gemstones

A ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminium oxide). The red color of ruby gemstone is due to the presence of chromium in it. The Indians called the ruby gemstones as the Ratnanayaka, the lord of the gemstones. The Hindus called the ruby as the king of gemstones. Ruby is distinguished for its bright red color. Ruby is considered as more desirable and precious gemstone due to its hardness of 9.00 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Ruby is deemed to be the most precious gemstones by the Bible and the ancient Sanskrit writings. On discovery of each Ruby crystal, the Indian Emperor gives a special royal importance and harm welcome to this King of Gemstone due to its mystical powers. Mystical Powers Of Ruby For centuries, Rubies having the positive and mystical powers for its wearer. The popularity and the powers of the ruby gemstone reaches to the every corner of the world. Ruby relates to the Planet Su...