Science behind the ruby gemstones

What do you think of when you hear of the color red? Does it remind you of love or passion? Or do you think of the beautiful and the most expensive of all gemstones – the Ruby stone? Well, just like many intense things and feelings in the life, the ruby gemstone is also associated with red and represents the color incredibly. As a matter of fact, the name “ruby” is derived from “ruber” which means red in Latin. The Science of Ruby: Ruby is the red variant of mineral corundum and is famous for its bright color, durability, and luster. The chemical formula of corundum is Al2O3 – which means is formed of aluminum oxide which contains two aluminum atoms and three oxygen atoms. The chemicals are packed in a close hexagonal structure. And the mineral consists of iron, vanadium, titanium, and/or chromium. The presence of chromium traces results in the color red of the beautiful ruby stone. Chromium (Cr) has 24 as its atomic number. It is basically a great colo...