Know The Difference Between Pink Sapphire And Ruby

Know The Difference Between Pink Sapphire And Ruby The ruby and the pink sapphire are both greatly valued in the world of gemstones. Both of them have been associated with royalty in the past. Therefore if you are planning on buying a ruby or a pink sapphire, you should certainly know about the differences between them. Here are some of the main differences between pink sapphire and ruby. Color When it comes to buying a ruby or a Manik gemstone , you should always focus on getting a stone that has pigeon blood color. The other rubies generally have a distinct purplish-red color. On the other hand, pink sapphires are most valued when they are blossomy pink or hot pink in color. Rarity A high quality ruby gemstone that weight more than a carat tends to be very rare. Pink sapphires are amongst the rarest forms of sapphires that one can ever find. However, rubies are even rarer than pink sapphires. Symbolism Rubies are traditiona...