Legendary Gemstones-Rubies and Sapphires

Let’s talk about the Legendary Gemstones-Rubies and Sapphires-Ruby.org.in.
These Gemstones are influence human lives with its mystical properties. Among the many stones, the legendary ruby gemstone and sapphire stones have been known for its beauty and magical powers.
Ruby and sapphire mainly from Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Kashmir region of India. As per Biblical and Quranic sources, a ruby stone is creates from the blessings of Adam.
History of Sapphire and Ruby
The ancient Hindus thought-about rubies to be “Ratnakar” or the “ruby the king of precious gemstones”.
Thirteenth-century medical literature from the Asian nation claims that rubies might cure organic process disorders.
In the Kashmir, blue sapphire stones were revealed in 1881 when a landslide unearthed a rich cache of crystals.
The pure deep color and velvety look of the stones thus smitten the Maharajah, he shortly took management of the mines and halted the trade of all sapphires.
Historically, rubies and sapphires has the most demand in the world, till the mines where these can be find in abundance in the countries .
Over mining, political upheavals and limited supply from nature make this high quality stones exceptionally rare and valuable there are some mines still operational but maximum supply is artificial and the market seems to be flourishing in it.
Rubies and sapphires hailing from various locations exhibit many characteristics and each variety has a strong following of admirers.
Fundamentally, however, both ruby and sapphire belong to the corundum family with the hardness of 9 on the Mohs’s hardness scale only next to diamond. They have similar crystallographic and gemological properties and the only visible distinction is the color.
Gemstones colored by impurities or trace elements in their crystal structure. Sapphire is blue in shade due to the presence of iron and titanium. In order to yield red color in ruby trace element like chromium needs to be present.
In terms of price, both are may vary depending on the several factors that affect the value and desirability of the stone. The 4 C’s – clarity, carat, color, and cut plays an important role in control the cost.
Benefits of Sapphire and Ruby
Ruby gives key to peace and remove tension from life. Its other healing power is the removal of poverty. Wearing ruby gemstone helps in securing eternal love and happiness.
Sapphire stone (Neelam) , is of the dark shade of blue color. This provides wisdom, enlightened and heal individuals who suffer from heart and stomach problems.
Another variety, the yellow sapphire stone has a strong influence of the planet Jupiter. It has a lot of medicinal healing effects on various types of diseases and also helps in improving intelligence.
Finally, apart from its healing properties, Sapphires and rubies are a great way to add color to a piece of jewelry.
Buy ruby gemstone for jewelry and astrology purposes at best prices.
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