
Showing posts from July, 2016

Does Wearing Loose Ruby Gemstone Brings health Benefits

Ruby gemstone is one of the most precious gemstone. The alluring red color ruby stone impresses every eye upon it due to its mesmerizing red color. The stone appears red due to the presence of mineral iron inside the stone that gives it red color. According to astrologer this stone belongs to the auspicious planet Sun which brings love, wisdom, intellect, cures blood related and other severe diseases. 

Surprise Her With Ruby Gemstone Engagement Ring!

Surprise Her With Ruby Gemstone Engagement Ring! : xdesc

Does Ruby Gemstone is More expensive than green emerald stone why?

Ruby gemstone and emerald stone both acclaimed of being precious gemstones. The excellent color, cut and rarity make these stones desirable among the people. The ruby gemstone belongs to the family of corundum and comprised of aluminum and traces of iron. The precious or natural ruby gemstones or emerald stones are hard to retrieve and they are available in the scarcity. Hence, in the absence of natural rubies or emeralds stones, people prefer to purchase loose rubies or synthetic ruby gemstone. It is common to see people selling loose ruby stone for sale or Burma ruby for sale. Similarly, in case of emerald gemstone people appreciate of wearing loose emerald stones.