
Showing posts from January, 2023

Brief Introduction To Lead Glass Filled Rubies

 Brief Introduction To Lead Glass Filled Rubies How great it is to have a gemstone that not only looks regal but also provides a host of benefits like protecting the wearer against negative energy, bringing joy and strength, etc. Well, that’s what the immensely beautiful Ruby gemstone is all about. For centuries, the ruby stone has mesmerized gem lovers and bolstered the trust of astrology believers. But, nowadays, one can mistakenly buy synthetic that may look like natural rubies but don’t possess the qualities . How did they form? Being the precious gemstone that Ruby is, its demand has always been greater than its supply. This is the reason why several jewelers looked for profits by selling different varieties of the ruby and sell it at high prices. While many ruby stones were treated, gradually the production of lead glass-filled rubies started and these gemstones made a place in the gems market. What exactly is a lead glass-filled ruby? These gems may imitate a ruby well, but th

Fashion Guide On How To Style your Ruby Jewelry

  The passionate and stunning ruby gemstone is a thing of beauty. This gem has been the love of many gem enthusiasts over the past so many decades. And why not? After all, the look and feel of the color red comes alive when a ruby beautifies it with such elegance and sophistication!. It is the presence of chromium in its structure that gives ruby its natural color. From pink to deep red, the hues are as fascinating as the gem itself.

Legendary Gemstones-Rubies and Sapphires

Legendary-Gemstones-Rubies-and-Sapphires Let’s talk about the  Legendary Gemstones-Rubies and Sapphires These Gemstones are influence human lives with its mystical properties. Among the many stones, the legendary  ruby gemstone  and sapphire stones have been known for its beauty and magical powers. Ruby and sapphire mainly from Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Kashmir region of India. As per Biblical and Quranic sources, a ruby stone is creates from the blessings of Adam. History of Sapphire and Ruby The ancient Hindus thought-about rubies to be “Ratnakar” or the “ruby the king of precious gemstones”. Thirteenth-century medical literature from the Asian nation claims that rubies might cure organic process disorders. In the Kashmir, blue sapphire stones were revealed in 1881 when a landslide unearthed a rich cache of crystals. The pure deep color and velvety look of the stones thus smitten the Maharajah, he shortly took management of the mines and halted the trade of all sapphires.