Brief Introduction To Lead Glass Filled Rubies

 Brief Introduction To Lead Glass Filled Rubies

How great it is to have a gemstone that not only looks regal but also provides a host of benefits like protecting the wearer against negative energy, bringing joy and strength, etc. Well, that’s what the immensely beautiful Ruby gemstone is all about.

For centuries, the ruby stone has mesmerized gem lovers and bolstered the trust of astrology believers. But, nowadays, one can mistakenly buy synthetic that may look like natural rubies but don’t possess the qualities .

How did they form?

Being the precious gemstone that Ruby is, its demand has always been greater than its supply. This is the reason why several jewelers looked for profits by selling different varieties of the ruby and sell it at high prices.

While many ruby stones were treated, gradually the production of lead glass-filled rubies started and these gemstones made a place in the gems market.

What exactly is a lead glass-filled ruby?

These gems may imitate a ruby well, but they don’t match the strength and resilience that the genuine stones have.

Even when they don’t command a price as high as that of a pure ruby stone, some jewelers sell them at extravagant prices, without disclosing their real identity.

Why are these being sold in the market?

For profit-making and with the notion that the buyer must exercise caution while buying something as seller not disclose that the rubies that are being sold are not genuine.

How to take care of a lead glass-filled ruby?

Exercise caution when you wear a glass filled ruby and avoid the heat as they may cause damage to the treated gemstones.

 How to tell if you have a lead glass-filled ruby?

Unfortunately determining this may not be possible, you Should check the gemstone with a reputed lab.

 How to avoid buying a lead glass-filled ruby?

Make sure that your chosen supplier of the Ruby Gemstone is a trusted and well-known gemstone seller. Avoid buying any gemstone, from an unknown seller to prevent falling prey to fake rubies.

Also, be wise enough to question the authenticity of the ruby that you are buying. You will be paying a good amount of money for the gemstone then you have the right to question.

If you have any doubts, then confronting the seller that the ruby is a lead glass filled one or not. Good jewelers will disclose the true information without any reluctance, helping you make an informed decision.


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