Origins of the Ruby Gemstones

Ruby Gemstones occur in a layer called Beyond at a depth of 20-100 feet. After then, they are recovered by washing with broad screens. Corundum originates in metamorphic marbles. This is the source of the world’s finest Rubies. Top quality rubies come from Srilanka, Thailand,  Kenya, Nepal, Afghanistan, Madagascar and East Africa. Burma Ruby is the finest source of the Ruby stone. Thailand is the center of the Ruby trade. Africa and Madagascar are the leading producers of ruby.
Sri Lanka produces the largest Star stones. In East Africa,  Rubies and other stones occur in  a Mozambique  gem belt, which extends 4,000 km away from Ethopia through Kenya and Tanzania to  Mozambique. The Mogok is the historical city in Burma lies in the valley 50 miles towards the west of  the Irrawaddy River and its around 3500 feet above the level of the sea. Mogok place is popularly known for the origin of the Gemstones including all gemstones not only Ruby. The area of Mogok is popularly known for its Gems.

At present, there is a still sign written on the way along the highway i.e.  “Welcome to the  land of Ruby”. This sign indicates that there are 1000 mines are still working.  The digging process is still in a progress over there.  The most of the top quality and the world’ finest Rubies come from Myanmar and Mogok. 
Dr. Harlow is the person who has visited three times to the mineral-regions of the country. His first trip is in in 1997-98. Harlow is the place where the Researchers visit the most for  the last few decades. Until 2011, this place was restricted from   traveling even for the Researchers. But in November 2013, after the long wait the travelers got the chance to visit to the Mogok to study about the Evolution of the Ruby Land. Dr. Harlow and with senior Scientist Jamie Newman has studied about the gemstones.
They have made the conclusion that Gemstones generally form in large Ore deposits. The deposits are usually small and found in geological atmosphere.  Magmas reacted with pre-existing Rocks to form the rare gemstones. By the process of heating, pressure and passing fluid the Metamorphism transformed limestones to Marbles. This process creates the Mogok Rubies and other related red Gems. At the end,  we can say that Ruby holds the record of  the most precious Gemstones originated from the Inner portion of the Earth.


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