The Ruby Stone: How is it different from its sister stone sapphire?

We all love our precious gemstones-Ruby and sapphire, being the favorites. But, the actual question is how well do we know them? So the basic difference is only in their color. Both these gemstones belong to the corundum group of minerals. Both these gemstones share the same gemological properties and crystallographic properties. The chemistry shared by both the gems is also the same other than the fact of having a partial trace of elements differing. So, the red corundum is known as the Ruby Gemstone, and all the other colors of corundum available are known as Sapphire. Sapphires are available in various colors such as yellow, white, black, blue and pink to note a few.

Ruby Gemstone

The ascendant color of the Ruby Stone is red. This red color is due to the impurities of chromium being present in the corundum. The amount of chromium impurity present in the corundum determines the color. A sparse amount of chromium impurities will result in a light pink color whereas a higher level of impurity is what gives it the vibrant, rich color that the Ruby Stone is known to be. There are various red hues of the stone available ranging from orange-red to purple-red and even brown-red, but the deep, vibrant red color variety is the most expensive among all.  

Sapphire Gemstone

The ascendant color of the sapphire is blue. The blue color of the sapphire is given by the presence of titanium and iron impurities present in the corundum. The quantity of the impurities present gives a variation in its color from light-blue to dark-blue. The other colors of sapphires available are also due to the resultant iron and titanium impurities in various ratio and composition. However, the deep blue color of the sapphire is the most sought-after.  

So similar yet so different

Both gemstones are alike, and yet they are so different in their meaning, significance, usage, origin, and price.

Meaning, Symbolism and usage

The Ruby Stone is the Stone of Divine Creativity. This stone is believed to boost energy levels, imparting the wearer with spiritual wisdom, building up confidence and high self-esteem. It also keeps the mind alert and gives intuition to the wearer. The stone creates a barrier to negative energy and psychic attack. This stone also symbolizes loyalty, passion, true love, and good luck.
The Sapphire is the symbolism of wisdom, divinity in favor and royalty. This stone prophecies the wearer such is the belief. This stone is the gem of the gems. The wearer is released of tension, unwanted and unruly thoughts and helps in fighting depression. The blue sapphire is considered to be beneficial for the nervous system and vision probe. In the form of an engagement ring, it symbolizes sincerity and faithfulness.


The most sapphires available come from Sri Lanka. Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Australia, Madagascar, Tanzania, Cambodia, and Montana are important sources of sapphire.
Myanmar has the best deposits of the Ruby Stone. It is also mined in Brazil, Japan, Scotland, Afghanistan, and Namibia to name a few.

Own your Ruby Stone

Planning to buy a Ruby Gemstone for yourself? Confused where to buy from? Worried about the authenticity of the stone and the Ruby Price? Fret not. is the best place to buy authenticated Certified Gemstone at the best price. Buy Online to get the best cut, clarity and rarest Ruby Gemstone in the market. 


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